But, it's not just an app and a database. Look at this sample of other cool things you can do.
Mobile App
Inspection timer
measure the productivity of your field staff, or record inspection time for billing purposes
Show a variety of fields, specific to your industry
Customise the data your field staff can read on their device
Integrate with iCal/Outlook
Plan your day, get reminders
Answer-Sensitive Email Alerts
Notify Managers or back office staff if an issue is urgent, in real time
Send client reports from the field
Simplify report creation even more! And, improve productivity too.
Add unlimited number of checklist items from the device
Add more flexibility to your inspection.
Capture Client Signatures direct on the touch screen
Your professional image will soar!
Web application database
Management reports
- Exception reporting
- Incomplete inspections
- 360 degree reporting
Integrate with MYOB
Upload PDF documents to support your client reports
Exchange data with your existing systems via an API
Export inspection data to excel
Import client databases from CSV
PDF Reports
Upload any image/layout/Corporate colours to report template
Portrait or Landscape format
Traffic Light graphics, for status/urgency of issue
Calculations/formulaes/Building costings